Tesla-Share Concept

Tesla-Share aims to increase accessibility to vehicles, especially for those who do not own cars in cities, while aiming to decrease car ownership and reducing the need for parking spaces.


UX/UI Designer

UX/UI Designer

Microsoft AI

(Windows, Bing, Copilot, MSN)





Figma, Sketch

Figma, Sketch


A Bike-Share Model for Electric Vehicles

A Bike-Share Model for Electric Vehicles

Tesla-Share is a project sparked out of noticing frustrations in the car rental process and feeling guilty for burning gas during cross country drives as a competitive cyclist.

In cities, environmental impact and urban design involving single occupancy vehicles pose a large pickle. Owning and renting cars are expensive and public transportation is under funded and not always convenient. Concepted from the bike-share model, Tesla-Share allows users to rent Tesla's parked in the street from the their phone.

I led the end-to-end design direction of the Windows 11 and 10 taskbar widget notification experience, resolving the issue of users not being notified when their comments received engagement, thereby encouraging folks to return to engage in meaningful conversations and community growth.

I led the end-to-end design direction of the Windows 11 and 10 taskbar widget notification experience, resolving the issue of users not being notified when their comments received engagement, thereby encouraging folks to return to engage in meaningful conversations and community growth.

View prototype
The problem
The problem

There is currently no seamless experience for renting electric vehicles via an app.

There is currently no seamless experience for renting electric vehicles via an app.

the solution
the solution

A straight-to-car, phone-as-key car-share app

A straight-to-car, phone-as-key car-share app

Replaces having to physically travel to car rental facilities. Integrated with Tesla mobile controls. Designed with a simple, seamless and elegant user interface.

User research
User research

Checking out the competition: Zipcar vs. Turo

I researched the two major car rental companies with apps, Zipcar and Turo, and analyzed their approach.









  • Revolutionized car-sharing in the U.S. Convenient contactless pickup in designated spots.

  • Zipcar provides automobile reservations to its members, billable by the minute, hour or day.

  • Zipcar provides automobile reservations members, billable by the minute, hour or day.

  • Members have to pay membership fees in addition to car reservation charges.

  • Members have to pay membership fees + car reservation charges.

  • A newer company with a business model that is similar to AirBnB.

  • Turo is a peer-to-peer car-sharing marketplace. Car owners can list their personal vehicles to renters.

  • A peer-to-peer car-sharing marketplace. Car owners can list their personal vehicles to renters.

  • Wide selection of cars in almost any location where owners are willing to rent their vehicles.

  • Wide selection of cars in almost any location where owners are willing to rent their vehicles

I looked into what features each app provided:

Zipcar has more features and a cleaner design than Turo.

Zipcar has more features and a cleaner design than Turo.

Turo has fewer features, a cluttered interface, and a confusing flow.

Turo has fewer features, a cluttered interface, and a confusing flow.

Despite Zipcar having more features and a better design, Turo has better reviews and ratings on Google Play. Why?

Turo is a less stressful experience. Users generally found what they were looking for in terms of price, model and location. Extending a reservation is easy. Customer service from Turo and hosts were generally positive and responsive.

User interviews
User interviews

Asking questions with curiosity

Do you prefer using a website or app for booking rentals?

Based on the results of my survey, younger participants prefer using an app since a mobile device is always near them.

An overwhelming 91% of the 11 participants ages 26-35 use their mobile phones when booking rental vehicles.

Does company mission matter to you?

Yes. People want to be aware of where their money is going towards and how it is being spent.

User journey

The beginning, peak, and ending makes the impression

In psychology, beginnings and endings can determine how a person remembers an experience as good or bad.

I discovered that the biggest stressors in the rental process are the researching/comparing pricing or models and returning experiences.

I discovered that the biggest stressors in the rental process are the researching/comparing pricing or models and returning experiences.

I discovered that the biggest stressors in the rental process are the researching/comparing pricing or models and returning experiences.

I discovered that the biggest stressors in the rental process are the researching/comparing pricing or models and returning experiences.

Define and ideate

The Concept: Create an electric vehicle rental car-share app with Tesla's established brand

From the above user research, the following features would have the largest impact on user experience:

I discovered that the biggest stressors in the rental process are the researching/comparing pricing or models and returning experiences.

I discovered that the biggest stressors in the rental process are the researching/comparing pricing or models and returning experiences.

  • Find the closest car available based on preferred location

  • Ability to easily view car information and location on map

  • Grouping of cars parked close to another on map

  • Members have to pay membership fees in addition to car reservation charges.

  • Quantify the cars battery life based on distance

  • Reserve the car for now and later

  • Option to extend reservation

How might we…

…design a process that is predictable and reliable so users trust the product.

…design a process that is predictable and reliable so users trust the product.

…design a process that is predictable and reliable so users trust the product.

…design a process that is predictable and reliable so users trust the product.

integrate Tesla's mobile control app into the rental app to allow users to unlock and control basic functions.

integrate Tesla's mobile control app into the rental app to allow users to unlock and control basic functions.

integrate Tesla's mobile control app into the rental app to allow users to unlock and control basic functions.

integrate Tesla's mobile control app into the rental app to allow users to unlock and control basic functions.


User Flows and Low Fidelity Wireframes

In psychology, beginnings and endings can determine how a person remembers an experience as good or bad.

I discovered that the biggest stressors in the rental process are the researching/comparing pricing or models and returning experiences.

Design decisions based on insights from user research

Car Carousel Feature

User Problem: Having to tap between screens or platforms to research cars to compare models, details, prices and locations is a hassle.

User Problem: Having to tap between screens or platforms to research cars to compare models, details, prices and locations is a hassle.

User Problem: Having to tap between screens or platforms to research cars to compare models, details, prices and locations is a hassle.

User Problem: Having to tap between screens or platforms to research cars to compare models, details, prices and locations is a hassle.

Design Decision: Create a carousel that displays the important information model and distance from user

Ability to tap on the images in the carousel to view more in-depth details on the next screen.

The Wireframe

Extend Reservation Button

User Problem: A non-negotiable deadline to return a vehicle and its associated late fees to return a vehicle are a point of anxiety for users.

Design Decision: A "slide to extend reservation" button that is easily seen, but not easily accidentally pressed relieves some pressure to return the car on-time if another user hasn't reserved it.

The Wireframe

QR code Keyless Entry

User Problem: Traveling to a physical rental facility takes time. Whether it be at the airport or at a specific location (usually inconvenient), the user has to research where it is located and hope that they go to the right place.

Design Decision: Keyless entry through QR code removes the need to go to a physical rental facility or to wait for a key card in the mail. This allows the user to unlock the vehicle with the user's phone.

The Wireframe

Usability testing on the first prototype

I conducted remote and in-person user testing with four people.

I used Zoom where I sent a link with the prototype, and screen-sharing was enabled.

It was a "Think Aloud" where they were given specific tasks and asked to speak through their experiences while they explored the app.

I conducted remote and in-person user testing with four people.

I used Zoom where I sent a link with the prototype, and screen-sharing was enabled.

It was a "Think Aloud" where they were given specific tasks and asked to speak through their experiences while they explored the app.

I conducted remote and in-person user testing with four people.

I used Zoom where I sent a link with the prototype, and screen-sharing was enabled.

It was a "Think Aloud" where they were given specific tasks and asked to speak through their experiences while they explored the app.

I conducted remote and in-person user testing sessions with four people.

I used Zoom where I sent a link with the prototype, and screen-sharing was enabled.

It was a "Think Aloud" where they were given specific tasks and asked to speak through their experiences while they explored the app.

Testing Insights and Solutions

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

Solution: Allow users to search for a vehicle and once they decide to reserve, begin the sign-up and onboarding process.

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

User Problem: Users were turned off by having to immediately sign-up and onboard after launching the app.

Solution: Allow users to search for a vehicle and once they decide to reserve, begin the sign-up and onboarding process.

User Problem: Once users selected a vehicle, the next screen was the vehicle details. Users could tap arrows to see next closest vehicle, but are unable to see the location on the map.

User Problem: Once users selected a vehicle, the next screen was the vehicle details. Users could tap arrows to see next closest vehicle, but are unable to see the location on the map.

User Problem: Once users selected a vehicle, the next screen was the vehicle details. Users could tap arrows to see next closest vehicle, but are unable to see the location on the map.

User Problem: Once users selected a vehicle, the next screen was the vehicle details. Users could tap arrows to see next closest vehicle, but are unable to see the location on the map.

Solution: Create a feature to allow viewing vehicle details and where it is on the map simultaneously.

Final Usability Testing

From the feedback I received above, I made adjustments to the prototype accordingly. I conducted one last usability test with the initial four users to see if the changes improved the interface and flow. 

From the feedback I received above, I made adjustments to the prototype accordingly. I conducted one last usability test with the initial four users to see if the changes improved the interface and flow. 

From the feedback I received above, I made adjustments to the prototype accordingly. I conducted one last usability test with the initial four users to see if the changes improved the interface and flow. 

From the feedback I received above, I made adjustments to the prototype accordingly. I conducted one last usability test with the initial four users to see if the changes improved the interface and flow. 

High-Fidelity Prototyping: The Latest Iteration

Gathering the team together, I initiated discussion with product managers and engineers to collaboratively determine the best solution and user experience, delicately balancing the frequency of showing and suppressing notifications while keeping in mind our business goals of driving re-engagement on discussions and building a community.

Tesla for Rent

Tesla-share makes it the process to rent cars affordably, conveniently and efficiently from the touch of your phone. Enter a location or find the nearest car available near you.

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Easily Activate Your Vehicle with a QR code

Easily Activate Your Vehicle with a QR code

When you arrive at your vehicle, easily scan the QR code, or enter the code number.

No key-cards, just use your phone as the key.

Control basic functions from your phone

Control basic functions from your phone

Like with any Tesla, you can control basic functions with the app.

Integrated with the mobile control feature, you can pop the trunk, adjust the temperature for maximal comfort, and even smart summon.